Michael Kalmus

Data Science | Web Development


Soundcloud Scraper

Languages: Python, SQL, git
Skills: Web Scraping, Caching
Tools/Libraries: Requests, Selenium, BeautifulSoup4, Plotly, Pandas

Scrapes data from Soundcloud's top charts, stores the data in a database, and creates various visualizations for the user to gain insight.

This Website!

Languages: HTML5, CSS, JavaScript
Skills: Web development and design
Tools/Libraries: Figma, VSCode, Live Server

I built this site from scratch with HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. This also was the first project where I used Figma for prototyping.

Twitter Search Engine

Languages: Python, SQL, git
Skills: Information Retrieval, Transformers, NLP
Tools/Libraries: PyTerrier, Pandas

Gathers data using Twitter's API and uses Information Retrieval techniques such as Learning to Rank in order to find the most relevant users for a given query.

Baseball Simulator

Languages: R
Skills: Probability and Statistics, Markov Chain Montecarlo Simulation, Statistical Analysis and Evaluation
Tools/Libraries: tidyverse, ggplot2

Uses play-by-play data for a full season of baseball games to simulate game outcomes, accounting for batting order and batter skill.



Operations Research / Software Development @ Intel Corporation
(July 2022 - Present)

Graduate Student Instructor @ University of Michigan

Data Science @ General Motors

Throughput Analytics @ General Motors


Information @ University of Michigan
(M.S.I., 2020 - 2022)

Industrial Engineering @ University of Michigan
(M.S.E., 2019 - 2020)

Industrial Engineering @ University of Michigan
(B.S.E., 2015 - 2019)



